Large enough to serve you… small enough to care.
Home comfort isn’t just about temperature.
The term “indoor air quality” means the quality of the air in a home or business, particularly as it relates to the health of the occupants. Having the space at a comfortable temperature is certainly part of indoor air quality but there’s more to it, much more.
An important component of indoor air quality is the removal of pollutants. Pollutants can run rampant in any home or business, even those kept meticulously clean. You might be amazed at the sources of indoor air pollution. Some of them such as burning tobacco products and dust from renovations are obvious, and some of them are not. Things such as paints and other solvents, floor coverings, air fresheners, aerosol sprays, some cleaners and disinfectants, and even dry-cleaned clothing can emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs), some of which can have adverse health effects both short-term and long-term.
Formaldehyde can be found in common items such as furniture, cosmetics, glues, particleboard, plywood, permanent-press fabrics, paints, some paper products, fabric softeners, and pesticides.
Then there are the biological contaminants such as viruses, bacteria, molds, pollen, pet dander and saliva, and dust mites.
There are far-reaching effects of indoor air pollution on health and on productivity.
Poor indoor air quality can cause or contribute to the development of infections, diabetes, endocrine disruption, obesity, cancer, chronic lung diseases such as asthma, and a host of other disorders. In addition, it can cause headaches, dry eyes, nasal congestion, nausea and fatigue. The young, the elderly, and people suffering from cardiovascular or respiratory disease are particularly at risk.
The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation estimates 1.6 million deaths each year in which indoor air pollution was a leading factor. The World Health Organization (WHO) puts the number even higher. No wonder the WHO identifies indoor air pollution as “the world’s largest single environmental health risk”.
Okay, enough of the scary stuff. Here’s what you can do about it:
Filters are designed to capture impurities to prevent them from getting into the indoor air stream. Proper filtration will not only improve the indoor air quality, it will also protect your HVAC system from damage. The Trane CleanEffects™ air cleaner will remove particles as small as 0.1 microns (1/1,000th the diameter of a human hair), outperforming even HEPA filters.
An air purifier will do just what the name implies – it purifies the air. A portable air purifier will clean the air in whichever room it is placed. A better solution is a whole-home air purifier, one that will remove not only airborne particles but will actually kill biological contaminants such as bacteria and viruses and reduce the spread of pathogens in the air and on the surfaces in your home or office
Energy Recovery Ventilation (ERV) is the process of mechanically drawing outside air into the space and expelling the stale air. The air drawn in from the outside is filtered and tempered to help you enjoy clean, fresh air.
Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air. Cold air carries less moisture than warm air. Too little humidity can dry out the mucous membrane in the respiratory tract, increasing the risk of colds, flus, and other infections. Air that is too dry can cause chronic dry skin, chapped lips, flaky and itchy skin. It can also damage furniture, paintings, and woodwork.
Air Conditioning Repair & Heating Service
Premium HVAC Warranty Plan
You pay no deductible on Trane Service or Parts when you sign up for our Premium Warranty.
At Chapman Air & Heat, we are passionate about providing you with the highest quality indoor air and we carry a full range of products to help you breathe easy.
Call us at (214) 340-4999 or contact us online today.
We will be closed Friday, January 10th and will reopen on Monday, January 13th. However, we remain available for emergency no-heat calls during this time. Our on-call team is ready to assist, ensuring you stay warm and comfortable.
Thank you for your understanding!
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